The BISTRoMATIC Orchestra

The BISTRoMATIC Orchestra


Mechanical Music / Strange poetry
60 minutes (possible 2 sets 30 minutes) /
Audience : 300 people


The Bistromatic Orchestra is a big music-box, playful & dreamlike with a cabaret-guinguette feel. It is operated and inhabited by 4 actor-musicians, joyful hopelessly wacky what-have-yous.

The music (original compositions) is a subtle blend of mechanical and human virtuosity. Inserted into the machine, a light panel broadcasts smoky stories that tell the daily bistro life and the childish imagination of a crazy waiter.

A guinguette or a « caboulot ».
In any case, we willingly serve you to drink.
On the bar there is a peanuts distributor,
But these are nuts (M10) instead of peanuts.
The bistro has a funny look of a mechanical cabaret.
The comedians move about on both side.
One day, it will open, for sure.
And I guarantee that there will be things
Worse than kid’s dreams,
Better than a drunkard’s nightmare.


Pepe Martinez : accordion, guitar, trompet, vocals …
Olivier Merlet : bass, violin, banjo, keyboard …
Abel Croze : cafeinated percussions …
Pierre Pélissier : accessories …

Music writing & programming : Pepe Martinez

Design, construction, texts&staging : Pierre Pélissier

Original music by Pepe Martinez

the BISTROMATIC ORCHESTRA is the extension of the show « Au ComptoirModeste » (performed around thirty times in 2022-2023), a musically richer & more varied version. It’s the same machine (significantly improved) with the presence formidably effective by 4 actor-musicians.


Photo album

Presentation folder